
The bright orange glow just above the treetops in the eastern horizon gave evidence to the rising sun. Warm water gave up its steamy mist in the presence of freezing air over the pond. Grass and leaves sparkled in the light of the season’s first frost. Just two days after reverting clocks back to their standard time, the hint of winter has made its mark. Life shows its seasons in nature and in experience. As a child I dreaded the change from summer to fall, then winter. Now I am thankful for having the opportunity of living in the presence of another season where gratitude may blossom. The fullness of life is not diminished by physical impediments when experienced in the face of grace infusing each moment. As this mortal contemplates the beauty of his surroundings he is filled with the inspiration that comes only in the presence of his creator whose connection to and within each moment brings peace. May your day be filled with gratitude in the light of the Master’s grace!

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